the shrouds
119 minuti
Dramma - Fantascienza
David Cronenberg
Trama: Rimasto vedovo di Becca da quattro anni, Karsh ha faticosamente trovato il modo di elaborare il lutto, benché in maniera peculiare. Grazie ai suoi ingenti mezzi finanziari ha fondato una società, Gravetech, che fabbrica sudari speciali, che permettono di riprendere con videocamere i defunti e di farli osservare post mortem ai congiunti attraverso un dispositivo elettronico. Soprattutto Karsh può così osservare Becca in ogni momento, anche da morta. Così facendo, scopre un'anomalia nelle ossa di Becca, come se queste stessero mutando sottoterra. Nel frattempo il cimitero Gravetech dove è sepolta Becca subisce un atto di vandalismo e di hacking informatico, apparentemente riconducibile a un gruppo di ecoterroristi islandesi. Maury, cognato di Karsh, e Terry, sua ex moglie e sorella di Becca, identica a lei tranne per carattere e acconciatura, pensano che siano coinvolti servizi segreti russi e cinesi, interessati alle potenzialità strategiche offerte dai sistemi Gravetech
Con: Vincent Cassel, Diane Kruger, Guy Pearce, Sandrine Holt, Elizabeth Saunders, Jennifer Dale, Steve Switzman, Ingvar E. Sigurðsson, Jeff Yung, Eric Weinthal, Matt Willis, Al Sapienza, Vieslav Krystyan
106 minuti
Animazione - Famiglia
Andrew Stanton
Trama: Una covata di pesci pagliaccio viene distrutta dall'attacco di un feroce barracuda. Sopravvivono solamente il papà, Marlin, e un unico piccolo che viene chiamato Nemo. Il pesciolino ha una pinna atrofizzata e il padre è iperapprensivo nei suoi confronti al punto di desiderare che l'inizio della scuola venga ritardato. Un giorno però Nemo viene catturato da un dentista appassionato di pesca subacquea e l'acquario sarà la sua prigione. Marlin deve quindi vincere tutti i suoi timori per ritrovarlo. Verrà aiutato da Dory, una pesciolina simpaticamente smemorata
Con: Albert Brooks, Ellen De Generes, Alexander Gould, Willem Dafoe, Geoffrey Rush, Brad Garrett, Allison Janney, Austin Pendleton, Stephen Root, Vicki Lewis, Joe Ranft, Andrew Stanton, Elizabeth Perkins, Nicholas Bird, Bob Peterson, Barry Humphries, Eric Bana, Bruce Spence, Bill Hunter, Lu Lu Ebeling, Jordan Ranft, Erica Beck, Erik Per Sullivan, John Ratzenberger, Carlos Alazraqui, Alec Medlock, Bob Bergen, Nicole Miller, Geoff Brooks, Lisa Peers, Paul Eiding, Phil Proctor, Leland Grossman, Daryl Sabara, Lili Ishida, Emmett Shoemaker, Oliver Kindred, Ben Stanton, Danny Mann, Kali Whitehurst, Rove Mc Manus, James S. Baker, Vanessa Marano, Susan Blu, Annelise Nolting, Jeff Pidgeon, Jennifer Darling, Aaron Fors, Katherine Ringgold, Jess Harnell, David Ian Salter, Caroline Kindred, Sherry Lynn, Jim Ward, Mickie Mc Gowan, Jack Angel, Laura Marano, Bobby Block, Laraine Newman, Jane Carr, Jessie Flower, Jan Rabson, Bradley Trevor Greive, Evan Sabara, Marc John Jefferies, Eliza Schneider, Lee Unkrich, Noah Luke
Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill!
83 minuti
Azione - Commedia - Crime - Thriller
Russ Meyer
Trama: Durante una delle loro scorrerie in pieno deserto Mojave, Varla, Rosie e Billie - spogliarelliste dagli enormi seni e dalla spropositata cattiveria - fanno fuori per puro sfizio il malcapitato Tommy e rapiscono la sua fidanzata Linda. Giunto alla fattoria abitata da un vecchio paralitico e dai suoi due rampolli, il diabolico trio mette gli occhi sul gruzzolo di famiglia: il sangue scorrerà a fiumi
Con: Tura Satana, Haji, Lori Williams, Sue Bernard, Stuart Lancaster, Paul Trinka, Dennis Busch, Ray Barlow, John Furlong, Michael Finn
80 minuti
Crime - Mistero - Thriller
Frank Tuttle
Trama: a powerful u. s. chemical company embroiled in shady dealings with Japan uses a former employee, Raven, a lone, neurotic killer, to eliminate a man and his secretary who are in possession of very compropetent papers. With the mission accomplished and after they have paid him off with fake cards, the principals decide to dispose of him and deliver him into the hands of the police
Con: Veronica Lake, Robert Preston, Laird Cregar, Alan Ladd, Tully Marshall, Marc Lawrence, Olin Howland, Roger Imhof, Pamela Blake, Frank Ferguson, Victor Kilian, Patricia Farr, Harry Shannon, Charles C. Wilson, Mikhail Rasumny, Bernadene Hayes, Mary Davenport, Chester Clute, Charles Arnt, Earle S. Dewey, Clem Bevans, Lynda Grey, Virita Campbell, George Anderson, Don Barclay, Ernest Baskett, Jack Baxley, Karin Booth, Harry Brown, William Cabanne, Eddy Chandler, Jack Cheatham, Kenneth Chryst, Yvonne De Carlo, Gordon De Main, Joan Evans, Jim Farley, Virginia Farmer, Betty Farrington, Chuck Hamilton, Sam Harris, Harry Harvey, Harry Hayden, Charles Irwin, Louise La Planche, Lora Lee, Arthur Loft, Patsy Mace, George Magrill, John Marston, Charles Mc Murphy, Ivan Miller, Charles R. Moore, Frances Morris, Pat O'malley, Sarah Padden, Reed Porter, Lee Prather, Cyril Ring, Julian Rivero, Dick Rush, Tim Ryan, John Sheehan, Oscar Smith, Alan Speer, Edwin Stanley, Elliott Sullivan, Phil Tead, Emmett Vogan, Fred Walburn, Richard Webb, Pat West, Gloria Williams, Robert Winkler
97 minuti
Mistero - Romance - Thriller
Alfred Hitchcock
Trama: Il Gatto, ex ladro d’alto bordo, vive tranquillo sulla Costa Azzurra, quando una serie di furti eseguiti con la sua tecnica insospettiscono la polizia. L’uomo cerca di scoprire chi sta tentando di metterlo nei guai. Contemporaneamente gli si mette alle costole una ricca e bella americana innamorata di lui, a sua volta convinta che questi nuovi furti siano proprio opera sua
Con: Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, Jessie Royce Landis, John Williams, Charles Vanel, Brigitte Auber, Jean Martinelli, Georgette Anys, René Blancard, William 'Wee Willie' Davis, Bess Flowers, Bernard Sell, Charles Sherlock, Philip Van Zandt, Alfred Hitchcock, Roland Lesaffre, George Boyce, John Alderson, Alberto Morin, Manuel París, Gladys Holland, Fred Kelsey, Barry Norton, Louis Mercier, Oliver Cross
Schiavo della furia
78 minuti
Crime - Thriller
Anthony Mann
Trama: Rick Coyle is the leader of a ruthless San Francisco gang. To avoid arrest he gets Joe Sullivan convicted in his place. The latter escapes from prison and, hosted by Ann, tries to flee to South America. Rick tries to have him killed by one of his assassins but Ann kills the latter, however, being captured by Rick: Joe frees her by killing Rick but is shot down
Con: Dennis O'keefe, Claire Trevor, Marsha Hunt, John Ireland, Raymond Burr, Curt Conway, Chili Williams, Richard Fraser, Whit Bissell, Cliff Clark, Gregg Barton, Robert Bice, David Clarke, Victor Cutler, Alexis Davidoff, Abe Dinovitch, Tom Fadden, Vincent Graeff, Ilka Grüning, Frank Hyers, Richard Irving, Bill Kennedy, Paul Kruger, Mike Lally, Carey Loftin, James Magill, Joan Myles, Edna Ryan, Cap Somers, Ray Teal, Regis Toomey, Harry Tyler, Robert B. Williams, John Daheim, Beverly Wills
115 minuti
Commedia - Dramma - Romance
Blake Edwards
Trama: Holly (alias Holiday Golightly) è una giovanissima ragazza di grande fascino e spontaneità che per vivere fa la prostituta d'alto bordo e chiama le sue prestazioni "fare la toletta". Questa sua attività le permette una vita mondana e la frequentazione dell'alta società, e per risolvere definitivamente i suoi numerosi problemi economici è decisa a rinunciare all'amore (o almeno a viverne uno fittizio) sposando un uomo ricco, che la renda soprattutto felice materialmente regalandole gioielli dell'amato negozio Tiffany
Con: Audrey Hepburn, George Peppard, Patricia Neal, Buddy Ebsen, Martin Balsam, José Luis De Vilallonga, John Mc Giver, Dorothy Whitney, Stanley Adams, Elvia Allman, Alan Reed, Beverly Powers, Claude Stroud, Mickey Rooney, Don Anderson, Al Avalon, Janet Banzet, Mel Blanc, Joe Scott, Jim Michael, Henry Barnard, Henry Beckman, Arthur Berkeley, Nicky Blair, Willie Bloom, Bill Bradley, Thayer Burton, Florine Carlan, Sue Casey, Roydon Clark, Marian Collier, Christine Corbin, Dick Crockett, Tom Curtis, Tommy Farrell, James Field, George Fields, Joseph Glick, Joe Gray, Joseph J. Greene, Sam Harris, Pete Kellett, Barbara Kelley, Kip King, Frank Kreig, Gil Lamb, Hanna Landy, James Lanphier, Mary Le Bow, Paul Lees, Leatrice Leigh, Mel Leonard, Leota Lorraine, Mike Mahoney, Frank Marth, Fay Mc Kenzie, William Meader, Joyce Meadows, Harold Miller, Hollis Morrison, Kate Murtagh, Bill Neff, Miriam Nelson, Chuck Niles, Peggy Patten, Robert Patten, John Perri, Michael Quinlivan, William Benegal Rau, Tony Regan, Charles Sherlock, Annabella Soong, Helen Spring, Joan Staley, Richard Wyler, Nino Tempo, Towyna Thomas, Danny Truppi, Glen Vernon, Linda Wong, Wilson Wood, Michael Zaslow, Orangey The Cat
Mano pericolosa
80 minuti
Crime - Thriller
Samuel Fuller
Trama: Candy, a clerk in the office of Joy, a self-styled lawyer who is actually part of a clique of spies, is given the delicate task of delivering a microfilm, containing secret atomic formulas. The girl is naturally unaware of the contents of the document entrusted to her. To her misfortune, the purse with the precious microfilm is snatched from her in the subway by a mugger
Con: Richard Widmark, Jean Peters, Thelma Ritter, Murvyn Vye, Richard Kiley, Willis Bouchey, Milburn Stone, Parley Baer, Chet Brandenburg, Frank Kumagai, Virginia Carroll, Harry Carter, Clancy Cooper, Henry Slate, Heinie Conklin, George Eldredge, John Gallaudet, Alan Reed, Robert Haines, Jay Loft Lyn, Ray Montgomery, Jerry O'sullivan, Ray Stevens, Ralph Moody, Roger Moore, Vic Perry, George E. Stone, King Mojave, Harry Tenbrook, Stuart Randall, Wilson Wood, Maurice Samuels, George Berkeley
124 minuti
Dramma - Romance
Douglas Sirk
Trama: Una giovane attrice con una figlia di 6 anni trova, come baby sitter, una vedova di colore con la figlia di 8 anni. La bambina ha la pelle piu' chiara, quindi cerca di rinnegare la madre per farsi passare per bianca
Con: Lana Turner, John Gavin, Juanita Moore, Sandra Dee, Susan Kohner, Robert Alda, Dan O'herlihy, Karin Dicker, Terry Burnham, John Vivyan, Lee Goodman, Ann Robinson, Troy Donahue, Sandra Gould, David Tomack, Joel Fluellen, Jack Weston, Billy House, Maida Severn, Than Wyenn, Peg Shirley, Mahalia Jackson, Bess Flowers, Frank Baker, Alex Ball, George Barrows, Chet Brandenburg, Teddy Buckner, George Calliga, Steve Carruthers, Richard Collier, Paul Cristo, Joe Darensbourg, Robert Darin, Mike De Lay, Elinor Donahue, Adolf Eichmann, Cicely Evans, Myrna Fahey, George Ford, Tedd Hadfield, Lynne Hunter, Nelson Leigh, Paul Levitt, John Mc Namara, Joseph Mell, Eddie Parker, Waclaw Rekwart, Cosmo Sardo, Jeffrey Sayre, Cap Somers, Ted Thorpe, Napoleon Whiting
100 minuti
Crime - Dramma - Mistero
George Sherman
Trama: Young Dr. Foster, while walking on the riverbank, smoking a cigarette, is struck in the head by a bullet that kills him. From the Ninth Police District comes Inspector Gordon, who is in charge of the investigation
Con: Richard Conte, Coleen Gray, Richard Taber, John Alexander, Peggy Dow, Alex Nicol, Carroll Ashburn, Frank Baxter, Dort Clark, Mickey Cochran, Russell Collins, James Daly, Henry Hart, Ralph Hertz, Tom Hoirer, Richard Kendrick, Jack Lescoulie, Jimmy Little, William Martel, Rod Mc Lennan, Florence Morrison, James O'neill, Herbert Ratner, Hugh Reilly, Ernest Sarracino, Robert Strauss, Michael Strong, Mimi Strongin, Victor Sutherland, Frank M. Thomas, Frank Tweddell, James J. Van Dyk
114 minuti
Crime - Mistero - Thriller
Howard Hawks
Trama: Private investigator Philip Marlowe is assigned by the elderly General Sternwood to find out who is blackmailing his youngest daughter. Marlowe accepts the assignment, which turns out to be more complicated than expected, however. The girl, her older sister and brother-in-law are embroiled in a not-so-clean gambling ring
Con: Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, John Ridgely, Martha Vickers, Elisha Cook Jr., Charles Waldron, Regis Toomey, Louis Jean Heydt, Dorothy Malone, Peggy Knudsen, Charles D. Brown, Bob Steele, Sonia Darrin, Trevor Bardette, Joy Barlow, Max Barwyn, Deannie Best, Tanis Chandler, Jack Chefe, James Conaty, Joseph Crehan, Jack Deery, Carole Douglas, Jay Eaton, Tom Fadden, Bess Flowers, Kenneth Gibson, Joe Gilbert, Stuart Hall, Shep Houghton, Kenner G. Kemp, Pete Kooy, Lorraine Miller, Forbes Murray, William H. O'brien, Shelby Payne, Jack Perry, Tommy Rafferty, Waclaw Rekwart, Edward Rickard, Jeffrey Sayre, Emmett Vogan, Theodore Von Eltz, Wally Walker, Dan Wallace, Paul Weber, Ben Welden, Suzanne Ridgway
122 minuti
Crime - Dramma - Romance
George Stevens
Trama: Un giovane provinciale, ambizioso e privo di scrupoli, ma tutto sommato ingenuo, cerca di dare la scalata al successo. Crede di esserci riuscito quando conquista l'amore di una ereditiera. Purtroppo, però, ha già una relazione con un'operaia che attende un figlio da lui, così quando questa cade da un barca il giovanotto la lascia affogare guadagnandosi la sedia elettrica
Con: Montgomery Clift, Elizabeth Taylor, Shelley Winters, Anne Revere, Keefe Brasselle, Fred Clark, Raymond Burr, Herbert Heyes, Shepperd Strudwick, Frieda Inescort, Kathryn Givney, Walter Sande, Ted De Corsia, John Ridgely, Lois Chartrand, Paul Frees, Robert J. Anderson, Gertrude Astor, John Barton, Lulu Mae Bohrman, Hazel Boyne, John Breen, Steve Carruthers, Ken Christy, Dick Cherney, Pat Combs, Frances Curry, Franklyn Farnum, Bess Flowers, Kathleen Freeman, Art Gilmore, Kenner G. Kemp, Mary Kent, Mike Mahoney, Hank Mann, Harold Miller, William H. O'brien, Frank O'connor, Kasey Rogers, Douglas Spencer, Larry Steers, Arthur Tovey, Dorothy Vernon, Josephine Whittell, Eric Wilton, Ian Wolfe, Frank Yaconelli, Ezelle Poule, Herschel Graham
100 minuti
Azione - Crime - Dramma
Raoul Walsh
Trama: After a long period of imprisonment and an escape attempt, Roy Earle, no longer a boy, is released from prison following the granting of a pardon. But the notorious bandit does not take time and is immediately ready to organize a new heist, the proceeds of which could be enough for the rest of his life. On his way he meets as many as two very different women: Velma, a young and naive country girl, and Marie to whom life has already reserved bitterness that forged her
Con: Ida Lupino, Humphrey Bogart, Alan Curtis, Arthur Kennedy, Joan Leslie, Henry Travers, Henry Hull, Jerome Cowan, Minna Gombell, Barton Mac Lane, Donald Mac Bride, Willie Best, Elisabeth Risdon, Cornel Wilde, Paul Harvey, Isabel Jewell, Spencer Charters, George Meeker, Robert Strange, John Eldredge, Dorothy Appleby
110 minuti
Billy Wilder
Trama: Stagionata star del muto, Norma Desmond si nutre di gloriosi ricordi e vive isolata nella sua villa. Un giovane sceneggiatore al verde la conosce per caso, accetta di scrivere il copione che dovrebbe segnarne il trionfale ritorno alle scene e ne diviene l'amante
Con: William Holden, Gloria Swanson, Erich Von Stroheim, Nancy Olson, Fred Clark, Lloyd Gough, Jack Webb, Franklyn Farnum, Larry J. Blake, Charles Dayton, Cecil B. De Mille, Hedda Hopper, Buster Keaton, Anna Q. Nilsson, H.B. Warner, Ray Evans, Jay Livingston, Fred Aldrich, Joel Allen, Gertrude Astor, Anne Bauchens, Edward Biby, Danny Borzage, Ken Christy, Ruth Clifford, John Cortay, Archie R. Dalzell, Eddie Dew, Julia Faye, Al Ferguson, Gerry Ganzer, Rudy Germane, Kenneth Gibson, Creighton Hale, Chuck Hamilton, Len Hendry, E. Mason Hopper, Stan Johnson, Tiny Jones, Howard Joslin, Arthur Lane, Perc Launders, William Meader, Gertrude Messinger, Harold Miller, Howard Negley, John 'Skins' Miller, Lee Miller, Ralph Montgomery, Bert Moorhouse, Jay Morley, Eva Novak, Frank O'connor, Robert Emmett O'connor, Jack Perrin, Sidney Skolsky, Emmett Smith, Archie Twitchell, Yvette Vickers, Henry Wilcoxon, James Hawley, Bernice Mosk, Virginia L. Randolph, Bill Sheehan, Roy Thompson, Jack Warden, Finn Zirzow
91 minuti
Crime - Dramma - Mistero - Romance
Nicholas Ray
Trama: Dixon Steele is a Hollywood screenwriter, talented but with a violent and short-tempered temper. He becomes involved in the murder of a cloakroom attendant, having been the last person to see her alive, and the police immediately suspect him because of his temper, but Laurel, an actress who is his neighbor, deposes in his favor. Dixon and Laurel's friendship mutates into love, but she is not certain of his complete innocence, and their relationship enters a crisis. It will not be enough to discover that the real culprit is the victim's boyfriend to bring the two lovers closer together
Con: Humphrey Bogart, Gloria Grahame, Frank Lovejoy, Carl Benton Reid, Art Smith, Jeff Donnell, Martha Stewart, Robert Warwick, Morris Ankrum, William Ching, Steven Geray, Hadda Brooks, Alix Talton, James Arness, Pat Barton, Guy Beach, David Bond, Hazel Boyne, Laura K. Brooks, Charles Cane, Jack Chefe, Oliver Cross, George Davis, Melinda Erickson, Charles Fogel, Arno Frey, Ruth Gillette, Billy Gray, Joy Hallward, Myron Healey, Lewis Howard, Jack Jahries, Mike Lally, Tony Layng, Mark Lowell, Frank Marlowe, Harold Miller, John Mitchum, George Nardelli, Allen Pinson, Jack Reynolds, Davis Roberts, Michael Romanoff, Jack Santoro, Cosmo Sardo, Evelyn Underwood, June Vincent, Ruth Warren
82 minuti
Dramma - Thriller
Max Ophüls
Trama: Mistakenly believing that her daughter killed a shady suitor, a woman moves his corpse to hijack the police investigation, thus exposing herself to blackmail by another man
Con: James Mason, Joan Bennett, Geraldine Brooks, Henry O'neill, Shepperd Strudwick, David Bair, Roy Roberts, Jessie Arnold, Al Bain, Jack Baker, Pat Barton, Holger Bendixen, Gail Bonney, Chet Brandenburg, Peter Brocco, Paul E. Burns, John Butler, Kathryn Card, Claire Carleton, Boyd Davis, Karl 'Killer' Davis, George Dockstader, Charles Evans, Charles Ferguson, Everett Glass, Robert Gordon, Buddy Gorman, Harry Harvey, Virginia Hunter, Danny Jackson, Charles Jordan, Kenneth Kendall, Norman Leavitt, David Levitt, Mike Mahoney, Charles Marsh, Louis Mason, Richard Mickelson, John Monaghan, Sue Moore, Evelyn Moriarty, Pat O'malley, Joe Palma, Dorothy Phillips, Joe Ploski, Byron Poindexter, Joe Recht, Barry Regan, John Roy, Cosmo Sardo, Celeste Savoi, William Schallert, Ann Shoemaker, Billy Snyder, Glenn Thompson, Frances E. Williams, Harry Wilson
i gangsters
103 minuti
Crime - Mistero - Thriller
Robert Siodmak
Trama: Pete is a former boxer, now employed at a gas station. When two criminals from Chicago come to town, the man recognizes them and knows he must face his own fate
Con: Edmond O'brien, Burt Lancaster, Ava Gardner, Albert Dekker, Sam Levene, Vince Barnett, Virginia Christine, Jack Lambert, Charles D. Brown, Donald Mac Bride, Charles Mc Graw, William Conrad, Jeff Corey, Gino Corrado, Frank Mc Lure, Howard Freeman, Charles Middleton, Queenie Smith, Jack Cheatham, William Ruhl, Ernie Adams, George Anderson, Sam Ash, Frank Baker, Oliver Cross, Sam Harris, Jack Lomas, Jack Tornek, John Sheehan, Brooks Benedict, Mike Lally, John Berkes, Edward Biby, Robert Haines, George Hoagland, Florence Wix, Harry Brown, Phil Brown, James Conaty, Noel Cravat, Neal Dodd, Mike Donovan, Dick Gordon, Nolan Leary, Michael Hale, Harry Hayden, Mark Hellinger, Al Hill, Jimmie Horan, Kenner G. Kemp, Paul Kruger, Ethan Laidlaw, Perc Launders, Howard Negley, Vera Lewis, Therese Lyon, John Miljan, Garry Owen, Beatrice Roberts, Wally Rose, Wallace Scott, Ann Staunton, Milton Wallace, Bill Walker